
Here is a comprehensive list of my contributions to the scientific literature. They include peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and reports. For each of my publications, a pdf copy is provided for you to download and read. I hope you enjoy the reading and find it helpful!


*NEW* Krüger E., Gobo J.P.A., Tosini Tejas G., da Silva de Souza R.M., Neto J.B.F., Pereira G., Mendes D., Di Napoli C. (2024) The impact of urbanization on heat stress in Brazil: A multi-city study. Urban Climate 53:101827 [pdf]

Di Napoli C., Romanello M., Minor K., Chambers J., Dasgupta S., Escobar L.E., Hang Y., Hänninen R., Liu Y., Lotto Batista M., Lowe R., Murray K.A., Owfi F., Rabbaniha M., Shi L., Sofiev M., Tabatabaei M., Robinson, E.J.Z. (2023). The role of global reanalyses in climate services for health: Insights from the Lancet Countdown. Meteorological Applications 30(2):e2122 [pdf]

Di Napoli C., Allen T., Méndez-Lázaro P.A., Pappenberger F. (2023) Heat stress in the Caribbean: Climatology, drivers, and trends of human biometeorology indices. International Journal of Climatology 43(1):405–425 [pdf]

Romanello M., Di Napoli C., Green C., Kennard H., Lampard P., Scamman D., Walawender M., Ali Z., Ameli N., Ayeb-Karlsson S., Beggs P.J., Belesova K. , Berrang Ford L., Bowen K. , Cai W. , Callaghan M., […], Gong P., Montgomery H., Costello A. (2023). The 2023 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: the imperative for a health-centred response in a world facing irreversible harmsThe Lancet 402(10419):2346–2394 [pdf]

Brimicombe C., Lo C.H.B., Pappenberger F., Di Napoli C., Maciel P., Quintino, T., Cornforth R., Cloke H.L. (2023) Wet Bulb Globe Temperature: Indicating extreme heat risk on a global grid. GeoHealth 7:e2022GH000701 [pdf]

Krüger E.L., dos Santos Gomes A.C., Lucio P.S., Gobo J.P.A., Nedel A.S., Gonçalves F.L.T., Piacenti-Silva M., Di Napoli C., Lam C.K.C. (2023) Summary of the first Brazilian Symposium on Human Biometeorology. International Journal of Biometeorology 67:405–408 [pdf]

Di Napoli C., McGushin A., Romanello M., Ayeb-Karlsson S., Cai W., Chambers J., Dasgupta S., Escobar L.E., Kelman I., Kjellstrom T., Kniveton D., Liu Y., Liu Z., Lowe R., Martinez-Urtaza J., McMichael C., Moradi-Lakeh M., Murray K.A., Rabbaniha M, Semenza J.C., Shi L., Tabatabaei M., Trinanes J.A., Vu B.N., Brimicombe C., Robinson E.J. (2022) Tracking the impacts of climate change on human health via indicators: lessons from the Lancet Countdown. BMC Public Health 22:663 [pdf]

Brimicombe C., Di Napoli C., Quintino T., Pappenberger F., Cornforth R., Cloke H.L. (2022) Thermofeel: A python thermal comfort indices library. SoftwareX 18:101005 [pdf]

Krüger E.L., Di Napoli C. (2022) Feasibility of climate reanalysis data as a proxy for onsite weather measurements in outdoor thermal comfort surveys. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 149:1645–1658 [pdf]

Romanello M., Di Napoli C., Drummond P., Green C., Kennard H., Lampard P., Scamman D., Arnell N., Ayeb-Karlsson S., Ford L., Belesova K., Bowen K., Cai W., Callaghan M., Campbell-Lendrum D., Chambers J., […], Gong P., Montgomery H., Costello A. (2022) The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels. The Lancet 400(10363):1619-1654 [pdf]

Urban A., Fonseca-Rodríguez O., Di Napoli C., Plavcová E. (2022) Temporal changes of heat-attributable mortality in Prague, Czech Republic, over 1982–2019. Urban Climate 44:101197 [pdf]

Emerton R., Brimicombe C., Magnusson L., Roberts C., Di Napoli C., Cloke H.L., Pappenberger F. (2022) Predicting the unprecedented: forecasting the June 2021 Pacific Northwest heatwave. Weather 77: 272–279 [pdf]

Mitchell D.M., Stone E.J., Andrews O.D., Bamber J.L., Bingham R.J., Browse J., Henry M., MacLeod D.M., Morten J.M., Sauter C.A., Smith C.J., Thomas J., […] Hemani G., Lamboll R, Di Napoli C., Simpson C.H., Taylor M., Tunnicliffe R. (2022) The Bristol CMIP6 Data Hackathon. Weather 77(6):218–221 [pdf]

Di Napoli C., Barnard C., Prudhomme C., Cloke H.L., Pappenberger F. (2021) ERA5-HEAT: A global gridded historical dataset of human thermal comfort indices from climate reanalysis. Geoscience Data Journal 8:2–10 [pdf]

Brimicombe C., Di Napoli C., Cornforth R., Pappenberger F., Petty C., Cloke H.L. (2021) Borderless heat hazards with bordered impacts. Earth’s Future 9:e2021EF002064 [pdf]

Urban A., Di Napoli C., Cloke H.L. et al. (2021) Evaluation of the ERA5 reanalysis-based Universal Thermal Climate Index on mortality data in Europe. Environmental Research 198:111227 [pdf]

Brimicombe C., Porter J., Di Napoli C., Pappenberger F., Cornforth R., Petty C., Cloke H.L. (2021) Heatwaves: an invisible risk in UK policy and research. Environmental Science & Policy 116:1–7 [pdf]

Romanello M., Di Napoli C., Drummond P., Hughes N., Jamart L., Kennard H., Lampard P., Rodriguez B.S., Arnell N., Ayeb-Karlsson S., Belesova K., Cai W.J., Campbell-Lendrum D., Capstick S., Chambers J., Chu L. […] , Montgomery H., Costello A., Hamilton I. (2021) The 2021 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: code red for a healthy future. The Lancet 398(10311):1619–1662 [pdf]

Watts N., Amann M., Arnell N., Ayeb-Karlsson S., Beagley J., Belesova K., Boykoff M., Byass P., Cai W.J., Campbell-Lendrum D., Capstick S., Chambers J., Coleman S., Dalin C., Daly M., Dasandi N., Dasgupta S., Davies M., Di Napoli C. […] , Gong P., Montgomery H., Costello A. (2021) The 2020 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: responding to converging crises. The Lancet 397(10269):129–170 [pdf]

Di Napoli C., Hogan R.J., Pappenberger F. (2020) Mean radiant temperature from global-scale numerical weather prediction models. International Journal of Biometeorology 64:1233–1245 [pdf]

Sutanto S., Vitolo C., Di Napoli C., D’Andrea M., van Lanen H. (2020) Heatwaves, drought, and wildfires: exploring compound and cascading events of dry hazards at the pan-European scale. Environment International 134:105276 [pdf]

Di Napoli C., Pappenberger F., Cloke H.L. (2019) Verification of heat stress thresholds for a health-based heatwave definition. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 58:1177–1194 [pdf]

Vitolo C., Di Napoli C., Di Giuseppe F., Cloke H.L., Pappenberger F. (2019) Mapping combined wildfire and heat stress hazards to improve evidence-based decision making. Environment International 127:21–24 [pdf]

Di Napoli C., Pappenberger F., Cloke H.L. (2018) Assessing heat-related health risk in Europe via the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI). International Journal of Biometeorology 62(7):1155–1165 [pdf]

Todeschini I., Di Napoli C., Pretto I., Merler G., Cavaliere R., Apolloni R., Antonacci G., Piazza A., Benedetti G. (2016) Thermal mapping as a valuable tool for road weather forecast and winter road maintenance: an example from the Italian Alps. Proc. SPIE Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment 96880H [pdf]

Book chapters

Di Napoli C. (2024) Building an operational decision support system for multiple weather‐induced health hazards. In Responding to Extreme Weather Events (pp. 77-104). Wiley

Magnusson L., Prudhomme C., Di Giuseppe F., Di Napoli C., Pappenberger F. (2023) Operational multiscale predictions of hazardous events. In Extreme Weather Forecasting: State of the Science, Uncertainty and Impacts (pp. 87-129). Elsevier [pdf]

Di Napoli C., Messeri A., Novák M., Rio J., Wieczorek J., Morabito M., Silva P., Crisci A., Pappenberger F. (2021) The Universal Thermal Climate Index as an operational forecasting tool of human biometeorological conditions in Europe. In Applications of the Universal Thermal Climate Index UTCI in Biometeorology (pp. 193-208). Springer, Cham [pdf]

Bröde P., Di Napoli C., Rosa L.A., Cunha E.G.D., Krüger E.L. (2021) Sensitivity of UTCI thermal comfort prediction to personal and situational factors—residual analysis of pedestrian survey data. In Applications of the Universal Thermal Climate Index UTCI in Biometeorology (pp. 67-80). Springer, Cham [pdf]


Copernicus Climate Change Service (2024) Temperature and thermal stress; Europe’s contrasting summer. European State of the Climate 2023 [contributor]

World Meteorological Organisation (2023) 2023 State of Climate Services for Health Report [case study contributor]

Krüger E.L., dos Santos Gomes A.C., Lucio P.S., Gobo J.P.A., Nedel A.S., Gonçalves F.L.T., Piacenti-Silva M., Di Napoli C., Lam C.K.C. (2023) Insights from the first Brazilian Symposium on Human Biometeorology. Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences 58(2):317–328.

Copernicus Climate Change Service (2023) Extreme heat. European State of the Climate 2022 [contributor]

Brimicombe C., Quintino T., Smart S., Di Napoli C., Hogan R., Cloke H.L., Pappenberger F. (2022) Calculating the cosine of the solar zenith angle for thermal comfort indices. ECMWF Technical Memorandum 895

Copernicus Climate Change Service (2022) Heat and cold stress. European State of the Climate 2021 [contributor]

The Climate Coalition (2021) The impacts of climate change on public health in the UK [scientific contributor]

Copernicus Climate Change Service (2021) Heat and cold stress. European State of the Climate 2020 [contributor]

Shumake-Guillemot J., Amir S., Anwar N., Arrighi J., Böse-O’Reilly S., Brearley M., Cross J., Daanen H., de’Donato F., Eggen B., Flouris A., Gerrett N., Hagens W., Herrmann A., Huynen M., Jones H., Keith L., Khandekar A., Lee J., Lowe R., Matthies-Wiesler F., Morelle M., Morris N., Di Napoli C., Nastiti A., Norton I. , Nybo L., Oppermann E., Singh R., Quirós-Alcalá L., Roeling A., Rule A., Sanchez Martinez G., van Loenhout J., Van den Hazel P., Vanderplanken K., Zaitchik B. (2020) Protecting health from hot weather during the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN)

Robinson E.J.Z., Baldock J., Piears D., Di Napoli C., Dasgupta S. (2020) A public health and climate change “Countdown” for Reading. Ethical Reading

Copernicus Climate Change Service (2020) Heat and cold stress. European State of the Climate 2019 [contributor]

© 2023 Claudia Di Napoli